Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rhapsody Daily Post: The God of Compassion: The Power of Adoption

And when she opened it, she saw the child: and behold the babe cried. And she had COMPASSION on him and said, this is one of the Hebrew's children.

And the child grew...and he became her son and she called him Moses and she said because she drew him out of the water.

Exodus 2:6&10

There are many scriptures in the Bible that highlights the compassion of God. It is impossible for the world to truly experience compassion with out the softening of the human heart by God. God being the creator of all, whose power extends beyond the earth and over the universe has the power to destroy or allow to continue to exist. Life and death truly lies in the hands of God.

The truth is the only reason why man exists is because of His love and compassion on us. As a mother has compassion on her child so is the love or compassion God for has his children.

God shows his compassion as a parent in Genesis when Adam and Eve sin instead of destroying them, He provides for them and their seed a way of escape.

Over the next few weeks we will examine the compassion of God! Today's scripture gives us a big picture of what compassion truly is. In this text the word compassion means to pity, to spare, meekness, gentleness, mild and long suffering.

Here in the text in order to save her child Mose's mother makes an ark out of bulrushes and sends her child down the Nile river in it. The baby is watched as it reaches its destination, the house of Pharoah. (A Great House)

Often when this story is told the faith, love and determination of a mother is highlighted. However today the meekness and compassion of the daughter of Pharoah is center stage. This woman was faced with a choice. She could choose to kill this child or take it in as her own.

What could make a woman of power make the choice of compassion. Was it the weeping of the child? Was it the covering of God? Was it because she had no children of her own?

I believe that the daughter of Pharoah had a heart that was meek, gentle and humble enough to see this child as a gift.

The Hebrew woman were having more children than the Egyptians and were fruitful and this woman had no children. Her lack of fruitfulness put her in a place of compassion and enough humility to show kindness to a woman who had given up her child.

This woman accepted a gift as a result of her ability to show compassion.

In contrast, a prideful woman would have passed up this opportunity. They may have felt too good to adopt the son of a slave. Instead sne chose to rescue a future Prophet of the true and living God.

If Pharoah's daughter chose not to show compassion God would have found a vessel that would have hid His annointed.

We as Christians must sieze God given opportunities to show compassion to others. God shows compassion through willing, gentle, soft hearted people.

Application: Ask God to give you an opportunity this week to show compassion.

Prayer: Lord God of compassion give us a heart like. lthe daughter of Pharoah . Give us a how to symphathize and emphathize with others and show compassion. I pray for those who have been raped, molested, abused, mistreated and caused to become embittered by by the trials of life: that you would heal their hearts and cause them to love and show compassion again.

In Jesus name Amen Amen and Amen!

Be Blessed,

Let your day be filled with th elove of Christ!

Rhapsody Daily Post!

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