Friday, March 22, 2013

Life is like a box of chocolates!

Life can be so challenging and one can become weary along the way. Weariness causes spiritual dehydration, stagnation and complacency. Do not be weary in well doing. Dont stop praying fasting and filling up your spirit with Gods word and presence! Prevent spitual dehydration by trusting and believing God through your action to consistently spend time with Him. 

When you are dehydrated you lack the energy or enthusiasm to stay dedicated to time with God and fulfilling your Godgiven assignment including kingdom building, kingdom relationships and working towards kingdom financial resources. Stay prayed up! Stay Encouraged! Stay energized and stay on assignment.

Instability is one thing but complacency is another. Complacency causes you to not make kingdom advancements. When you are spiritually dehydrated you lack the stamina, divine revelation and righteous resolve to move from where you are.

It is important to always be evolving in your walk with God. Believers should always be in a position to hear or get a clear word from God. This takes consustency in prayer, increased time with God, fasting and quality study time with God. When believers fail to make time with God a priority a spiritual drought occurs.

Life truly is like a box of chocolates, it brings so much negative and positive with it. The worst thing a believer can do when a test leaves a bad taste in your mouth is not washing it down with some spiritual water.

The Holy Spirit can make some bad spiritual chocolates more palatable for you. Chocolate dehydrates because of the caffeine it contains.  The best thing to do when life throws you something negative is to chase it down with two gallons of the Holy Ghost! Gods spirit will sustain you!

So be encouraged! God is with you if you seek Him daily!

Be Encouraged!

Let your day be filled with the love of Christ!

Rhapsody Daily Post!

Be Blessed!

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